Sponsor Run for the Rec

Sponsorship Details

*2024 Sponsorships are due Friday, April 26th*

Donations from sponsors like you support the beautiful, community-owned McKnight Village Recreation Park.  Sponsor donations go directly to maintaining the park. Proceeds from past Runs for the Rec have contributed to repaving the walking path, resurfacing the basketball court, and installing new playground components.

We are incredibly grateful for your choice to advertise your business and support our community. We offer a range of sponsorship levels. At each level, your company (or family) name will be included on race route signage and in our newsletter, which is circulated to over 300 homes in the McKnight Village neighborhood.

Sponsorship Levels:

To become a sponsor, please email Run4theRec@gmail.com, or submit by PayPal or check following the directions below.

Logos can be emailed to Run4theRec@gmail.com. Logos should be vector files or the highest quality image you have available. If this is beyond your technical expertise, please email us and we will help!

Pay By PayPal

Pay via bank account, credit card or debit card by clicking the PayPal link below. Please enter your business name (as you'd like it to appear in the ad) and contact information in the payment notes.

Pay By Check

Sponsorship Form - R4R 2024.pdf

Download the form at left and submit it along with your check to the address on the form.


Questions about sponsorship or anything else related to Run for the Rec can be sent to Run4theRec@gmail.com.